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Kiril, în relaţii frăţeşti cu ucigătorii Mîntuitorului

Rabinul Berl şi Patriarhul Kiril

Rabinul Berl şi Patriarhul Kiril

Kiril patriarhul, ca prieten de încredere al jidovilor „ruşi”, i-a adresat acum cîteva zile o felicitare oficială lui Berl Lazar, jidovul-şef din Rusia cu ocazia împlinirii de către acesta a 45 de ani. Felicitarea a fost publicată oficial pe site-ul Patriarhiei Moscovei:

Stimate domnule rabin principal Berl Lazar,

Vă felicit cordial cu prilejul aniversării deosebite. Mărturisesc că Federaţia comunităţilor evreieşti din Rusia pe care o conduceţi este un vechi partener al Bisericii Ortodoxe Ruse în dialogul interreligios. Cu lucrările noastre comune noi întărim cooperarea dintre religiile tradiţionale ale Rusiei şi rezistăm sfidărilor de multe feluri ale vremii.

Nădăjduiesc că în viitor vom putea găsi noi puncte de tangenţă, muncind împreună pentru păstrarea şi afirmarea valorilor morale tradiţionale în societatea noastră.

Vă doresc sănătate, putere tare şi izbînzi în munca spre binele Rusiei.

Kiril, Patriarh al Moscovei şi al întregii Rusii

Rabinul-şef al iudeilor din Rusia

Rabinul-şef al iudeilor din Rusia

Cum înţeleg jidovii „ruşi” conlucrarea împreună cu ortodocşii? Iată ce scrie ziarul principal al comunităţilor jidovilor din Rusia:

„Creştinii nu trebuie doar să se pocăiască din adîncul inimii şi sincer pentru tot răul pe care ei l-au pricinuit evreilor timp de 2000 de ani. Este nevoie de a introduce o nouă înţelegere a atitudinii creştinilor faţă de evrei ca faţă de „slugile Antihristului” şi de „a introduce în slujbele de fiecare zi ale creştinilor a unei rugăciuni de pocăinţă întru pomenirea jertfelor nevinovate ale poporului evreu, cinstirea locurilor sfinte ale iudaismului şi altele” („Cuvîntul evreiesc”, 2002, nr. 15).

Kiril, încă mitropolit

Kiril, încă mitropolit

Printre primii care l-a felicitat pe Kiril cu ocazia „alegerii” acestuia în treapta de patriarh a fost, ca de obicei, acelaşi Berl Lazar, fratele întru „Mesia” al noului-vechi patriarh:

Dragă prietene, frate !

Din toată inima Vă felicit cu prilejul alegerii în funcţia de Patriarh al Bisericii Ortodoxe Ruse. Ne-am bucurat sincer cu o bucurie deosebită. Dinamica evoluţiei lumii formulează pentru credincioşi noi şi noi sfidări, ne dictează necesitatea unei munci necontenite întru întărirea spiritualităţii religioase, extinderea ei asupra unor straturi tot mai largi ale societăţii. În Rusia, unde majoritatea populaţiei este istoriceşte adeptă a ortodoxiei, rolul BORu în însănătoşirea spirituală a societăţii nu poate fi subestimat. Şi eu sînt foarte bucuros că unitatea atît de necesară pentru realizarea în măsură deplină a acestui rol este acum înfăptuită şi BOR se consolidează în jurul Dumneavoastră.

Fireşte, plecarea unei personalităţi atît de puternice şi de consolidatoare cum a fost răposatul Patriarh Alexei, este o mare pierdere, dar eu cred că veţi izbuti să supliniţi în deplină măsură această lipsă – aceasta a fost mereu o muncă întru realizarea consensului, întru înţelegere reciprocă, întru ajutor reciproc. Sînt sigur că atitudinea bună şi legăturile strînse dintre comunităţile noastre religioase se vor dezvolta în vremea slujirii Dumneavoastră patriarhale.

Vedeţi şi: „Să nu ne asemănăm jidovilor, ca să luăm osînda lui Dumnezeu”

  1. 25 mai 2009 la 22:56

    Generatia ecumenica: Kiril, Daniel. Uf…

  2. mihail
    28 mai 2009 la 10:24

    The Last Will and Testament of Archbishop Antony of Los Angeles
    The Lord has destined us to live in an extremely hard time unlike any other in the history of the Russian Church. That is why in the last will and testament one should speak of the most important thing. When a living organism is dying, all thoughts are concentrated on how to survive. So should we. In our times of predominant apostasy from God and the Truth, we should be concerned with two questions: how to keep faithfulness to the True God and how to save our souls.

    1. According to many canonical rules, all of the so-called bishops, archbishops and metropolitans of the Moscow Patriarchate, being KGB agents, are apostates from Christ. The 62nd Apostolic Canon deprives them of these titles, and if they repent, it calls for them to be accepted as laymen and not to be ordained. Similar orders are found in numerous (24) canonical rules. From this, we see that the Divine Canons do not admit the Divine Gifts to apostates – KGB agents.The holy Martyr St. Patriarch Tikhon testifies to the same in his epistle excommunicating the soviet power; Blessed Metropolitan Anthony (Khrapovitsky) does likewise when he condemns the Declaration of Metropolitan Sergius (Stargorodsky), as does Metropolitan Anastassy (Gribanovsky) in his last testament.Hear Holy Patriarch Tikhon’s words stated right after committing the God-fighting soviet power to anathema: „We exorcise you, faithful children of the Orthodox Church of Christ, in no way to associate with these fiends of humankind.” Holy Patriarch Tikhon not only admonishes but exorcises. And exorcism is admonishment with the threat of punishment. His words turned out to be prophetic… How terribly believers were punished by the communism that so many of them had supported.In his letter to Metropolitan Sergius, Blessed Metropolitan Anthony called his (sergei’s) declaration a betrayal. During those times (1927) Moscow bishops, archbishops and metropolitans had not yet become KGB agents. The main task of the KGB was the „eradication of religion”. This makes the activities of the bishops, archbishops and metropolitans of the Moscow Patriarchate much worse than betrayal.In his last will and testament, Metropolitan Anastassy has said: „As for the Moscow Patriarchate and its bishops, archbishops and metropolitans, the Russian Church Abroad must not have any canonical, prayerful, or even simple everyday association, leaving them at the same time to the final judgment of the Council of the future free Russian Church.”
    These words point out the first and repeated condemnation of the Moscow Patriarchate by the Russian Church Abroad. As the Apostle Paul teaches: A man that is a heretic after the first and second admonition reject (Tit 3: 10).

    2. Our Lord destines us to a great blessing: to belong to the Holy Orthodox Church, for only here can we obtain Salvation, if we do not waste the time of preparing ourselves for eternity.To avoid wasting this time, let us turn to the awesome admonitions of the Word of God, Gospel parables, prayers and church hymns which teach us that our mind is filled with unnecessary triviality and troubles, THAT THE ENEMIES OF OUR SALVATION GIVE TO US. And we, in our carefree manner, like to think that they are our own harmless and pleasant thoughts. Having distracted our mind from God, the enemy begins bringing sinful thoughts and wishes, which are extremely hard to resist. TO FIGHT AGAINST SIN SUCCESSFULLY, ONE MUST REPLACE HIS THOUGHTS WITH CONTINUAL PRAYER TO JESUS.All the Saints had to do this to reach their sanctity. There is no other way. The great Saints of ancient times, as well as the Holy Father Seraphim of Sarov, St. John of Kronstadt, Holy Father Paissy Velichkovksy and the great Startsy of Optina all testify to this.This prayer saves and is successful only if done patiently and humbly, not with the goal of pleasure, but rather release from sins, and it demands a lot of time.Our Merciful Lord Jesus Christ, grant us eternal salvation by the prayers of the Most Holy Theotokos and Ever Virgin Mary, and of all the Saints! Amen.

    (Signed:) Archbishop Antony of L.A. Los Angeles 24 November / 7 December 1995 Holy Martyr Katherine

    Resolution of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia
    Concerning the Election of Pimen (Isvekov as Patriarch of Moscow
    The Council of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia on September 1/14. 06. 1971 considered the gathering which, calling itself an All-Russian Church Council, met in Moscow from May 30 to June 2 of this year for the purpose of electing a Patriarch of Moscow and all Russias. This gathering declared that Metropolitan Pimen was elected to the Patriarchal Throne. After considering all aspects of this election, the Council of Bishops, representing the free part of the Russian Orthodox Church, came to the following conclusion:

    I. For the election of the Primate of a Local Church it is essential that such an election take place according to the laws of the given Church and that it be free, representing a genuine expression of her voice.

    2. In 1917 the All-Russian Council adopted a resolution restoring the Patriarchate in Russia, and elected to the Patriarchal See His Holiness Patriarch Tikhon. This council included all canonically consecrated bishops of the Russian Church, representatives of the monastic clergy and the Orthodox Theological Academies, invited by the Synod on the basis of the Regulation it had issued. All the representatives of the diocese were chosen freely at elections on three levels: parish elections, deanery elections and diocesan meetings. The actual election of the Patriarch took place in a fashion that guaranteed freedom in the nominating of candidates for election. The latter were established by a secret ballot, and at first a large number of candidates were named. From among them, by systematic balloting, the three who received the highest number of votes were picked, and of those one was finally elected by the drawing of lots. This system of election, guaranteeing complete freedom and confirmed by the All-Russian Church Council, was never abolished by a free council of equal authority. Therefore, and election of Patriarchs effected otherwise and not in a free manner, does not express the voice of the Russian Orthodox Church and is not lawful. Not only the election of the present Pimen, who claims to be Patriarch, but those of his two predecessors must also be regarded as unlawful. Their supporters can not defend these elections by saying that the external conditions caused by persecutions against the Faith prevented the realization of a lawful form of election, since, despite the obvious, they constantly insist on the supposed full religion’s freedom in the Soviet Union. Similar decisions were made the now elected Patriarch Pimen. At all three patriarchal elections, no one attempted or had any possibility of nominating a candidate other than the one indicated beforehand by representatives of the secular authorities.

    3. The lawful succession of higher Church authority in the Russian Church has been broken since 192 7, when the Acting Locum-Tenens of the Patriarchal Throne, Metropolitan Sergius of Nizhny-Novgorod, went against the order of the Metropolitan of Krutitsa whom he was replacing and signed an agreement with the atheistic secular authorities, to which neither Metropolitan Peter nor the other elder hierarchs agreed. The Soviet government began to throw all the hierarchs who did not agree with Metropolitan Sergius in prison, thus clearing the path for him to become head of the Russian Church.He, for his part, taking no account of the elder bishops, formed a Synod by his own personal choice and, while Metropolitan Peter of Krutitsa, to whom by position the Moscow diocese belonged, was still alive, he unlawfully gave himself the title of „His Beatitude the Metropolitan of Moscow” with the right to wear two panagias. In 1943, by order of the atheist and the malicious persecutor of the Church, Stalin, he hurriedly (in four days) pulled together, in fulfillment of the latter’s political plans, a Council consisting of bishops specially chosen and freed from prison for the purpose by Stalin, a Council which, counting Metropolitan Sergius, himself, consisted of only 19 bishops, and which elected him Patriarch. In 1945, after the death of Patriarch Sergius, Metropolitan Alexis of Leningrad gathered a Council, to which representatives of the other autocephalous Churches were also invited. This Council, besides recently consecrated bishops, consisted of representatives of the clergy and laity, picked without elections and prepared for the election of a Patriarch, and, submissively following the directions of the atheistic authorities, unanimously elected as Patriarch Metropolitan Alexis of Leningrad. After his death, in the same illegal manner the so-called All-Russian Council was convoked this year for the election as Patriarch of Metropolitan Pimen, known not so much for his devoutness or theological education, but rather for his diligence in carrying out the orders of the atheistic government, which are directed toward the destruction of the Church and toward fulfilling the political plans of the Soviet Regime.

    4. All of the elections of Patriarchs in Moscow, beginning in 1943, are invalid on the basis of the 30th Canon of the Holy Apostles and the 3rd Canon of the 7th Ecumenical Council, according to which, „if any bishop, having made use of secular rulers, should receive through them Episcopal authority in the Church, let him be defrocked and excommunicated along with all those in communion with him”. The significance that the Fathers of the 7th Council gave to such an offence is obvious from the very fact of a double punishment for it, that is, not only deposition but excommunication as well, something unusual for ecclesiastical law. The famous commentator on Canon Law, Bishop Nicodemus of Dalmatia, gives the following explanation of the 30th Canon of the Holy Apostles: „If the Church condemned unlawful influence by the secular authorities in the ordination of bishops at a time when the rulers were Christians, then it follows that She should condemn such action all the more when the latter are pagans and place even heavier penalties on the guilty parties, who were not ashamed of asking for help from pagan rulers and the authorities subordinated to them, in order to gain the episcopate. This (30th) Canon has such cases in view”. If in defense of this position examples are given of the Patriarchs of Constantinople who were placed on the Throne at the caprice of the Turkish Sultans, one can reply that no anomaly can be regarded as a norm and that one breach of Canon Law cannot justify another.Taking into consideration all the above mentioned reasons, the Council of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, as the representative of the free part of the Russian Church, determines:
    The election of Pimen (Izvekov) as Patriarch of Moscow and All Russias at the gathering calling itself an All-Russian Church Council in Moscow the 2nd of June of this year, on the authority of the 3rd Canon of the 7th Ecumenical Council and other reasons set forth in this decision, is to be regarded as unlawful and void, and all of his acts and directions as having no strength.

  1. 26 mai 2009 la 2:20
  2. 5 ianuarie 2010 la 2:05

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